Hello! Welcome to my first ever devlog. Or, well, not technically because I do have a couple of devlogs on a social media page somewhere but you'll never find them! (maybe)

Anyways, this week was largely uneventful. Game Jam groups were only assigned on Wednesday and we only met up for the first time today so not much of note has happened really. When we all met up today, we spent some time discussing the basic concept (which I will share below), the art style, gameplay and other fairly basic details. All the things that will enable us to get a good start on the game. I also created a Discord server for our group since I felt like it'd make discussing the game easier (and allowed us to have channels dedicated to specific roles). Heading into next week I hope to brainstorm names for this game with the other designer (since, knowing me, it'll get left until the last minute otherwise) and maybe think about narrative design which is a bold choice for such a short project but we'll see how that goes.

So, the basic premise: You'll play as a unicorn who's traversing islands floating in the sky. Your goal is to collect feathers so that you can create a pair of wings (being on sky islands but not being able to fly wouldn't be fun, I think). While you're trying to collect these feathers you have to avoid the darkness because it'll make you lose the feathers that you've collected.

Also this week was film night. The film of choice this time was Memento which I'd never actually heard of before (I don't know if I'm just living under a rock or what) but I really enjoyed it. I'm typically not a fan of non-linear narratives but this one was well structured and I never felt particularly lost. It was enjoyable trying to "piece together" the chronological order of events and when it all came together at the end I felt like I'd figured out some great mystery (which I hadn't, obviously, that's just what the film was trying to convey but it still made me feel good). I think that it's definitely a film I'll be thinking about for a while, the kind of thing you just turn over ond over in the back of your head.

See you!