Hello! Another week, another devlog.

This week I spent some time coming up with a list of name ideas for our game which was more difficult than I thought it'd be but managed to come up with a list of six potential names. I showed them to the other designer on the team and we settled on "Feathers & Shadows" as the favourite between the two of us. I've shared the name with the rest of the team to get their opinions on it and have an idea for a potential logo for the title screen/itch page for if we end up going with that name:

A photo of a sideways lined notebook. There is a sketch of a logo that reads Feathers & Shadows. Feathers is written in cursive while Shadows is written in blocky letters and has a cloud around it.

I also made a couple of sketches for potential UI that will show the player how many of the feather collectibles they currently have but the project isn't to the place where we'd be thinking about UI yet. Next week, I hope to actually get a start on what little narrative this game will have and, depending on how the rest of the project is going, work on the UI some more.

Once again this week was film night (Or technically this one was "The Big Game Watch Party" but I just call them "Matt's film night" and "Adam's film night" for convenience.) and we watched Mythic Quest. Or, well, we watched the first 4 episodes because it's a TV show as opposed to a film (which made me calling it film night slightly confusing but whatever). Mythic Quest is a sitcom about a fictional game development studio. Usually, sitcom isn't my TV genre of choice (give me reality shows like the Circle or the Traitors any day) but I figured I'd give it a go since I wouldn't be up to much otherwise and I was pleasantly surprised actually. It's not exactly high cinema (or cinema at all but you know what I mean) but I enjoyed it. It's funny, it's easy to watch, it's tangentially related to my studies and there's a cute romance subplot going on between the two girls that work in the testing department. What's not to love? ...Okay, most of the characters were kind of annoying but I figure they kind of need to be for there to be conflict so I don't mind too much, really. Overall, I enjoyed it and I'm excited to see where it goes next.

Okay, that's all this time. See you!