Hello again!

You might notice I don't have a devlog for last week. Largely all I can say about that is... oops? To be fair, not a whole lot happened. Gradual progress was made on the game jam. Film night was Your Name which I don't particularly have any insights about. Not because I disliked it, far from it, I love that movie. I've seen it countless times, though. I even have hanging on the wall beside me a canvas print of the movie that I got from EGX in London a couple of years ago:

A canvas print of the climax from the movie Your Name.

As for this week, though, it was a week of cancellations (or, well, Thursday was a day of cancellations). Originally, I was going to participate in a Mario Kart tournament held by my accomadation but that got moved to next Wednesday because they decided to renovate the room it was going to be held in. That was going to be held on Thursday which would've meant I would've missed out on film night so this actually worked out for me. Thursday rolls around, I arrive at class like usual and Adam tells the class that the projector wasn't working yet again (he has awful luck with that particular lecture theatre, this wasn't the first time this happened) and, okay, it wasn't cancelled, it was just moved online last second but I'd still count it. I think nothing of it but then, that evening, after I had bought snacks for film night at started playing my weekly game of Uno with my friends (we do this to kill time between out lecture and film night) when Adam puts a message in the Discord informing us that the projector in the screening room didn't work so film night was cancelled for the week. Truly some terrible luck.

In more... related news, I created a graphic to be used to count how many feathers the player has collected and it was added into the game. Also, we brainstormed what was left for us to work on. My job is to work on level design with the other designer (which I'm not excited for, level design is something I know next to nothing about) and also create a victory screen for the player to see when they've collected all the feathers.

Between that and looming deadlines, next week is looking busy! So with that, I'll see you next week!
See you!